Formulas and Functions

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RANKEQ with multiple filtering criteria

I have been trying to rank my rows that are listed as "Tier 1" in the {Level} column in order of importance based on the following criteria:
1) Highest Rank: Rows with the oldest {R/O Create Date} AND BOTH {OOS} and {Warranty} columns are checked.
2) Second: Again, oldest R/O create date, with the {Warranty} column checked.

3) Third: Oldest R/O create date, with {OOS} column checked.

4) Fourth: Oldest R/O Create Date.

Maybe I am trying to filter everything down against too many variables. Currently, we have rows listed as Tier 3, and Tier 2 {Level} as well, but I do not want to rank those, as those rows are already in production so to speak. I do have a helper column {Age} with this formula (=TODAY() - [R/O Create Date]@row) if that is helpful.

Thank you SmartSheet Wizards!!!

~ Drew


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