How? Column Formula to Pull Level 1 Parent Task Name

Hi Smartsheet Community,

Please see image of setup! I am trying to create a column formula for the column 'TEST' that pulls the name of the Level 1 parent task for each row. Essentially, I want every cell in the 'TEST' column to display the name of its Level 1 parent, such as "baseline estimate" or "estimate R1," depending on which is their Level 1 parent task. I would like to be able to differentiate between estimate iterations for every child task within that section.

Is there a way to set up this formula in Smartsheet so that it automatically pulls the top-level parent task name for each row?

Thanks in advance for your help!


  • John_Foster
    John_Foster Community Champion

    Hi @gabbim,

    I believe that the following formula is what you are looking for.

    =INDEX(ANCESTORS([Task Description]@row), 1)

    The one at the end determines which level you would like displayed.

    Hope this helps!


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