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User Subscription Model - User Type and True-up Page Enhancement


When managing users within the User Type and True-up page of the Admin Center, the Highest Level of Permissions plays a vital part in establishing whether an Internal or External is considered as a billable Member, whether initially Provisional not.

While downgrading an External today from Provisional Member down to Guest, I was prompted to, "Select their new permissions level". The reason why this External was identified as a Provisional Member was due to the initial shared to Permissions having been set to Admin by the Owner of the shared asset, in this case a Sheet.

I would like to recommend that every entry in the "Highest Level of Permissions" column as listed in the User Type and True-up page be editable similarly to how the downgrading from Provisional Member to Guest for my External was allowed to be modified.

My ultimate goal is to eliminate Editor - Can Share. I want the sharing to be reserved for the Owner of the Asset or Workspace and/or departmental supervisor named as Admin by the Owner of that same Asset or Workspace.

Relying on Smartsheet users to adhere to a policy which states, when sharing only grant Editor - Cannot Share and below is impossible to maintain as an administrator over Smartsheet and its related costs.

Please vote for this enhancement. We need great controls to limit our cost exposure!

Thank you.

James J. Pstrzoch,

Directory of Process Improvement

9 votes

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