Formulas and Functions

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Need a conditional SUMIFS formula


I have 2 grids

Grid A: Project Management (used for team planning and communication)

Screenshot of Grid A

Grid B: Invoicing sheet (used for billing clients).

I need a formula to take the information in Grid B and tell me the sum of the rows in the Task 1 column IF the sent column is checked AND the void column is not checked and put that sum in a cell on Grid A.

Currently this formula works: =SUMIF({Invoice Sent Check Box}, =1, {Task 1}) and its giving me the total of 30 (2 sent boxes are checked for rows of task 1, there is a 15 in each of those rows, 15+15=30) but I am trying to re-work the formula so that it excludes rows that have the "Void" column from Grid B checked (my real answer should just say 15 because there is only 1 row with the Sent column checked AND Void unchecked.

I attempted SUMIFS formulas: with this format: SUMIFS(range, criterion_range1, criterion1, [criterion_range2, criterion2, ...]). Assuming that range in the formula means the range to be summed and then listed my 2 criteria in the formulas below

=SUMIFS({Task 1}, {Invoice Void Checkbox},=0,[{Invoice Sent Check Box},=1])


=SUMIFS({Task 1}, {Invoice Sent Check Box}, =1,[{Invoice Void Checkbox},=0])

but both say "unparseable".

I am hoping that I am close but I am not sure where I went wrong. Please help!


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