Hyperlinks don't work when publish to MS Teams.

I have a sheet with a list of resources the hyperlink to either a website or a Smartsheet report. When I publish the sheet and create a link in MS Teams it allows me to access the hyperlinks to website, but not to Smartsheet reports.

Each report and is published so that everyone with a link can access it. But once I open it in MS Teams it doesn't work. Any suggestions?


  • jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp
    jmyzk_cloudsmart_jp Community Champion

    I tried to recreate the issue on my end but wasn’t able to reproduce the problem. In my tests, I was able to access the hyperlinks without any issue when:

    1. Posting the Smartsheet link in a Teams message (in a channel or chat)
    2. Embedding it using a website tab with the URL

    Both methods worked as expected.

    A couple of possible causes for the issue you’re seeing:

    • The published sheet or report may not be set to "Anyone with the link", or may have restrictions that limit visibility.
    • If only internal access is allowed, external users or embedded views (like inside Teams) may not be able to open the content.
    • Your organization may restrict publishing Smartsheet content altogether via Smartsheet admin settings.
    • Additionally, some organizations enforce security policies in Microsoft Teams or Microsoft 365 that prevent certain content from loading in embedded contexts (like Smartsheet links inside Teams).
    • Embedded browsers in the Teams app may also block access due to cookie/session limitations or corporate firewall rules.

    It might be worth double-checking both the publish settings in Smartsheet and checking with your Teams or IT admin if any access policies or embedding restrictions are in place.

    The published sheet I posted in Teams.


    The published report, whose link is in the above sheet's Link column
