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Filtering Gantt chart on mobile app

Eid E. Eid
Eid E. Eid ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts


I have a sheet with a number of preset filters, and on my pc, i can apply the filter on the Gantt chart views, while this does not seem possible on the IOS application. 

Anybody can help with how to do this on the mobile app?







  • Hi Eid,

    Only shared filters will appear as filter options on the mobile application.

    Make sure to share the filters (even if you created them and own the sheet) with the steps from the help article: https://help.smartsheet.com/articles/504659-using-filters-to-show-or-hide-sheet-data 

  • Eid E. Eid
    Eid E. Eid ✭✭✭

    Thank you Shaine, but I think I did not clarify my question enough. 


    On PC, I can filter both Grid View and Gantt View. 

    On Mobile, I can only filter on Grid Vioew and not on Gantt View. 


    Is there a way to filter the gantt view as well?


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 10/25/17

    UPDATE: Filters can't be applied to the Gantt View on the mobile app, only the Grid and List Views. (Check out my reply below for more info.)


  • Eid E. Eid
    Eid E. Eid ✭✭✭

    Hello again, and thanks for your follow up. 


    Let me foirst say that I have an "Individual" plan, while i have read in the articles you refer to that some of the features (mainly shared fitlers) are only available for team plan and higher...


    On my PC, the filters I have created will filter the sheet in both the grid View and the Gantt view. 

    When I go to myIpad, in Grid View the filters are there and I can use them normally (which tells me this is not a problem of shared filters), but when I switch to Gantt view, the "filter" icon does not show and I cannot apply the fitlers. Hence the Gantt view of my sheet always shows ALL the rows in the sheet.

    I am almost sure that the answer is :switch to Team plan, but just in case.. 


    Thanks again...



  • Eid E. Eid
    Eid E. Eid ✭✭✭

    Any update for me on this? I am still stuck with the same problem. When I switch to Gantt View on my Ipad, the “Funnel” icon disappears and I see all the rows in the Gantt view.


    If i switch back to Grid View, the Funnel is back and I can switch between the various filters...

    Is this a limitation of the IOs version of Smartsheet?


  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 10/25/17

    Hi Eid,

    After testing this out more thoroughly, it appears I was mistaken on filters being applied to all views on mobile. Apologies for not giving the correct info, I'll edit my initial reply.

    Filters can't be applied to the Gantt View on the mobile apps, only on the Grid and List views.

    It's an iOS/Android app limitation, not a plan or shared/unshared filter limitation.

    When you have a moment, let our Product team know that you'd like to see that functionality in the mobile apps by submitting a product enhancement request using the form under Quick Links on the right of the community site.

This discussion has been closed.