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Remove duplicates from my Assigned To column?

Allie ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

When I assigned a task to my colleague, I noticed she was listed in the Assigned To column twice. One of the options just has her email address and the other one has both her name and her email address. How can I remove one of these?


  • Hi Allie!


    If you assign a task to a contact from your Smartsheet Contact List and the name doesn’t match what the user has listed on their Smartsheet account, this will create duplicate values for that person in the sheet's contact list drop-down menu.


    You can either have the user login to their Smartsheet account, click Account > Personal Settings, and add a first and last name to their account that matches what you have in your contact list.


    Or you could also consider re-assigning all of the rows to the name/email address on the user's account. First, click the “Sharing” tab at the bottom of the sheet. The name/email address you see here is what the user set up on their account. Re-assign all rows to this name and the duplicate value will disappear from the drop-down list.

  • Allie
    Allie ✭✭

    I had her set up a name on her Smartsheet account and that fixed it! Thank you!

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