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Row Attachment: Link (URL)

Stewart Grinton
Stewart Grinton ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I use Smartsheet to track video production in my department and there is a request to associate video links (vimeo urls) to each project row.

I've tried creating a whole new column containing a hyperlink, but that clutters up the master sheet and its information is not benefitial to sorting or report generating.

The other option is urls as attachments to rows. This is a nice feature which tucks away information more specific to each row. But I've had occasion to rename a url attachment after I create it. Only, once created there is no way to edit the url or rename its title. One must delete the link and create an entirely new attachment with the corrected information.

Smartsheet, is there a way to make attachment urls editable once they are created?


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