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Notification sent on selection of certain criteria from drop down menu

Louise O'Day
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have a sheet with a simple drop down menu.  I have a notification set up for my accounting department.  They only want to be notified once the "accepted" choice from the drop down menu is selected and not the other 4 choices. Is this possible.

Thanks in advance





  • Great question, Louise! Smartsheet doesn't have conditional notifications yet (though it is on the Product Roadmap), so it wouldn't be possible to set this up exactly as you've described it, but I think there's a simple workaround that could achieve a similar result.


    I would suggest creating a checkbox column anywhere on your sheet, then adding an IF formula to the column to check the box when the value in the status choice column is "accepted". The formula would look something like this:


    =IF([Drop Down Column] = "Accepted", 1, 0)


    Then, set up a notification to email the accounting department when the checkbox column changes. You can actually hide the checkbox column after you've created it and added the formula, as it'll still trigger the notification regardless.


    Hope that helps!

  • Thank you. Thank you.  Simple yet very effective!!

    Still trying to get my head around all the formulas!


  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 08/05/15

    No problem! Always happy to help :) 


    Have you checked out the Formula Examples sheet? I reference it all the time when I'm setting up my sheets--it's a great way to see exactly how something works and experiment with changes. I'd definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't already!

  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 09/16/16

    Hi All,


    As mentioned, we're actively working on this feature. If you have ten minutes to spare, we'd love to get your participation in a usability study we're running.


    For more information, see this annoncement:



  • This feature was requested and it was indicated 2.5 years ago (8.4.15) that it was on the product roadmap.  What does this actually mean, on the product roadmap.  Do we have to wait another 2.5 years before this is implemented, 5 years?  


    I'm not trying to be difficult, but I am trying to evaluate your employees feedback with some optimism when I read a comment that seems to address our needs, yet we have this open ended, non-commital sort of answer that you, smartsheet employees would likely not accept yourselves as an OK answer.


    To a laymen it seems like an easy trigger, alerting on a value in a column.  But thats a lesser concern, the real concern is what do the community managers words actually mean to users of Smartsheet?


    I look forward to a thoughtful response. 



  • Hi Eric,


    We're working hard to test this feature and bring it into the app as soon as it's ready. We're hoping to have this out for our March release (likely mid-late March), but we don't have a concrete timeframe. Just like with most development work, we could run into circumstances that would cause the feature to be delayed.

  • Did this feature make it for release in March as it is now September and I really need to be able to send email notifications when a certain drop-down value is selected?

  • Did this feature make it for release in March as it is now September and I really need to be able to send email notifications when a certain drop-down value is selected?

This discussion has been closed.