Problem with Gant Chart - Gear Icon not consistently shared

Jef Forward
Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Hello All,

The gear icon that I see in my gant chart schedule, is not showing up for certain people that I share the sheet with.  This is a problem as our project managers need to be able to change the time line displays.  Some people can see it, some people cant.  I can not find the setting to always allow the gear icon to be usable to all parties I share the sheet with.  I have double checked, and all parties are licensed users, and system users, under my account.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!  Thanks  Jef

good gear icon.png

Quinn 3 0 Build Schedule   Smartsheet com.png


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Jeff,

    This indicates that they are shared with Editor- or Viewer-level sharing permissions. Bump their permissions up to Admin and they'll be able to access the project settings through that gear icon that you're seeing.

    You can give them Admin permissions by clicking on the Sharing tab at the bottom of the sheet, expanding the Collaborators section in the Sharing form, and selecting Admin from the dropdown field next to their name/email

  • Jef Forward
    Jef Forward ✭✭✭✭✭

    Shaine!!! thank you very much!  I dont how I missed that....I appreciate your help!  Jef