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Alert to Row owner when Task Not complete and Due Date past

Tim Meeks
Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I posted this as a reply to another post, but thought I'd start as a new discusssion.




I want to send an Alert to a Task Row Owner when  the Task Due Date is past and the Status is NOT complete.  If this condition is true, I got the idea from the above post to populate a cell with Today's date.


Then i'll set up an alert to be sent if the Alert Date = TODAY.   In this new column called Alert Date, I made it a Date property type and have added the following formula.  


The logic reads: If Today is older(greater) than the Due Date and the Status is NOT completed, then populate the cell with Todays' date, else blank.


=IF(AND(TODAY() > [Due Date]3, NOT(Status3) = "Completed"), TODAY(), "")   


However, I'm getting a #MISSING OR INVALID PARAMETERS error.  I've changed the location of the parenthesis several times and still can't get it work.   Any help is appeciated. 


And if there is a better way to do, please let me know.





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