Conditional Formatting Bug

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I set up my conditional formatting to colour code my "type" column as a visual reminder on my action.

It worked for many weeks but now when I insert a row and use the "type" column to select a type from the drop down menu, it formats that cell as white background and white writing (showing nothing selected).

My conditional format is the same and has not seemed to change...any ideas on how to fix it?



  • Gwyneth C
    Gwyneth C ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Without seeing the rule, it's hard to troubleshoot this. One idea, though, is that that if you have multiple rules, it may be that a different rule is taking priority.

    If you have multiple rules, they'll be applied in order from top to bottom. The higher rule will take priority. (More on this in the Help Center article on Conditional Formatting.)

    Please share the the details of your rule here if you'd like more help troubleshooting.

