Update via Update Request doesn't show my username in cell history

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I CC'd myself on an Update Request to UserX.  I used the link in the email copy I received to update the task because UserX informed me of his updates via email.  After I made the updates using the link in the Update Request email, the cell history in the smartsheet shows that the updates were made by UserX instead of me. frown

Is this expected behavior?  If this is expected behavior, I would like to request that the name of the user who made the change be listed in the cell history.  If the person using the link is not a named user in smartsheet, then some other designation should be used in the cell history (e.g. unknown) or the update attempt should fail. 


  • Hello,

    This is expected behavior as we don't have a way to capture someone's email address in the update request. That way people can fill out an update request without having to sign in to Smartsheet.

    When you send an update request to someone, Smartsheet will remember which email address the update request link was meant for. Even if someone else fills that out, it will still remember that the request was meant for someone specific, and log them as the person that made the update.

    Otherwise, we'd have to get people to create Smartsheet accounts and sign in to Smartsheet in order to capture their email address.

  • Thank you for the update