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Email distribution lists?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Hi everyone,


We send out reports/minutes via Smartsheet after many meetings.  It is somewhat time consuming to type out all the folks in the "To" line each and everytime we send the update.  Is there a quicker way?



  • Employee

    Yes there is a quicker way! Set up a group with all the members you send this email out to, then send the email to the group


    Groups can be set up by a Group Admin on a Team or Enterprise plan. If you are in a Team or Enterprise plan but do not see the Group Management option under Account then its likely you are not a Group Admin - contact your SysAdmin for assistance. 

  • ✭✭

    Does group management affect resourcing at all or is it just exactly like an email distribution list?


    If I make a group, how do I include folks I haven't yet added to my enterprise acct?

  • Employee
    edited 05/05/15

    Groups are a quick way to share sheets or send an email to a group of users and will not affect the resource management functionality. When adding users to the group, you can choose from users from your contact list or you can manually type in an email address (even if they are not a member of your Enterprise account). 

  • It would be great to also be able to assign tasks to these groups and have smartsheet send updates or reminders against that field.  Can this be added to the wishlist?

  • Employee

    Thanks for the suggestion, Chris! I will add it to our enhancement request list. 

  • Any news on this?

    For my challenge I am using the tool to manage 4 teams made up of about 15 people (with some in several groups).


    When i setup a task i ideally want to be able to assign to a team, however I dont mind the limitation that i need to nominate a team leader (which the app is currently 'forcing' on me - however for 'Row Automated' tasks such as discussion update and reminders I would really like to be able to at least at a contact list to the row which included groups (at the moment 'Contact lists' can only include individuals, and this means that to alert everyone involvved in a specific task i either have to create many copies of the given task with each member listed, or i have to manually push updates by email.... frustrating since it would seem a small tweak to the 'assign to' or the 'contact lists' to include Groups would magically solve my problem - and it looks like Chris (above on this thread) shares a similar requirement....

  • Employee
    edited 01/13/16

    Hi Dom - a couple suggestions:


    If you want to assign a task to a group and send row level reminder to a group, consider setting up an email alias for the group "", create a free account for the alias then assign the tasks to that alias. Reminders would be sent to the alias which in turn would be sent to whoever is set to receive emails from the alias. 


    If you want a group to see changes made to specific rows, you could build a report that shows only rows that were edited in a given timeframe (using the Modified (Date) system column) and are assigned to the group or specified users. This report could be set to send on a recurring basis to a Smartsheet Group. 

  • ✭✭
    edited 01/13/16

    I would like to send web forms to various groups of people in the company. Note, I am not sending out to other Smartsheet users. How can I send out a webform to large groups of people. I don't want to have to enter emails manually, and these people are not in my regular contact list. Ideally, I'd like to send a web form to all the people listed in one of the columns of the smartsheet. 

  • Employee

    Hu Dana, web forms can be sent to groups set up in Smartsheet (See: Groups). While groups cannot look to a column and add all the contacts from that column, you can copy and paste the email addresses to the new group. Once the group is set up, you can send web forms, rows, attachments, and more to the group. 


    You could also take the web form URL and use your native email client to send to a group of users. 

  • Thank you, Travis.


    On Groups, I think that adds all those people to smartsheet, and all I want to do is make sure these people use the form. For now, I've decided to create a distribution list in Outlook, and email the link to the form.


    I hope in the future, smartsheet will have the feature that when I create a webform from a sheet, I can send the form to all the emails listed in a particular column so I don't know to do the extra steps of Group or email list.

  • ✭✭
    edited 01/14/16

    Travis, sometimes we need status from people outside of the company, such as contractors or other people. We probably don't want to add them to a Group, do we? I do have the ability to create Groups in smartsheet, I just wonder if that is a good way to go.


    Thank you1

  • Employee

    Dana, adding users to a Group will NOT add them to your account or to Smartsheet. You can add any email address to a Group - whether they are a Smartsheet user or not. 

  • Thank you, Travis!


    Is there a way I can populate a Group via a .csv file? It appears I can only add one at a time.



  • Employee

    Not directly, but you can import your contacts in a CSV file to your Smartsheet Contacts then use your Smartsheet Contact List to quickly add users to a group.


    Let me know if you need help with any of this! 

  • ✭✭
    edited 01/15/16

    It's a list of 680 people. That would take some time to select each of them.

This discussion has been closed.

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