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Date formatting



  • Stefan 7k

    I explicitly second this post!!!

    At least it would help to make the ISO standard available to be set in your country settings.

    Projektmanagement Professional in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • ncocilova39816

    Any update on this date formatting request(customizing)?  I deal with multiple countries and it is confusing at times.  

  • ManInBlack

    I need to be able to display the date by only the month.

    i.e. 3/16/18 - March

         5/24/18 - May

        8/05/18 - August

    In Excel it is custom date format -  mmmm

    How do I achieve that in Smartsheets?

  • Stefan 7k


    this can be done using the vlookup function and an additional sheet with 2 columns. 

    In the additional sheet, column one is the month number (1 to 12), column 2 shows the string you want for the month. 

    In the sheet where you need the string, you add a hidden column with the month function and use the vlookup function with this number to search in the additional sheet. 

    Projektmanagement Professional in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

  • MarvWall

    WE at Tarrant County College would also appreciate being able to display the data in a "May 16, 2018" or "16 May 2018" format

  • kroonr

    I can't believe this simple and important requirement is not available after 2 years of the first post... 

  • Roger Koon
    Roger Koon ✭✭✭

    Another vote for custom date formatting and my concurrence with you on the idea of focusing on utility as a priority over interface. A crudely functioning feature is oftentimes better than no feature at all.

  • erak47

    My team is VERY international and we desperately need a standard we can all understand and sort easily.  For us, we're most interested in 10-JUL-2018 format, with month being a three digit letter style to absolutely eliminate any possibility of confusion between month and day.  

    PLEASE get this implemented as it's currently confusing my team to no end and making smartsheet less usable than our alternative, g-sheets.

  • mteran

    Hiya, I also vote for custom date formats, hopefully they can be implemented soon. I'm interested in having eg "Mon DD/MM"

  • Frank Falco
    Frank Falco ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would also need date formatting, agree with all the suggestions so far. Need to be able to display day and flexible formats. It appears from this thread that this has been requested for more than three years. What is the likely timing of having this implemented any time soon?

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  • jcaton
    edited 10/23/18

    Formatting needs to be alterable at sheet level to take into account global date entry standards. While US standard is MMDDYY, EU standard is DDMMYY. For global projects having a single standard for all sheets is unacceptable and confusing for team members and stakeholders.

  • timspadoni

    I see that this request is over three years old and it looks like at lot of users would like it included in the product. 

    Any updates?

    Any ETA?



  • hgreyling
    hgreyling ✭✭
    edited 12/04/18

    I am a newcomer and have been impressed with the simplicity of the tool.  At the point of buying licenses, but this post is seriously concerning.  After three years a simple request to have date formats available not being adhered to.  I should probably seriously consider my decision for buying licenses.

    Is there a date when this is available, or will this request just be ignored for the next 3 years? 


  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Depending on your use case and needs there is a way to convert and show the date in another way in another cell.

    Would that work?

    Have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå

    Workflow Consultant @ Get Done Consulting


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: www.workbold.com | E:andree@workbold.com | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Mahesh M

    I would also need the Date as dd-mmm-yyyy format.

    and also need a date function to calculate the experience in years, Months and days format.

    Please do 

This discussion has been closed.