Dash Boards

Rorrick Smith
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Can a dash board be designed to produce multiple information, like using a drop down to show each months Procurement's.

Procurment Process For May 2018.PNG


  • Alison
    Alison Employee

    Hello Rorrick,

    Thank you for contacting Smartsheet Support.  At this time, Smartsheet does not support this functionality; however, I've let our Product team know about your request. Due to the large number of variables they have to consider when choosing what to develop next, we can't confirm when or if this will be built, but we have let them know.

    You can always add more requests under "Submit Product Enhancement Request" under "Quick Links" to the right-hand-side of this page.

    However, you could create multiple Chart widgets in order to show each month's data.  You could even put these on separate Dashboards in one Workspace so you can easily navigate between the data for each month.

    Kind Regards,


    Smartsheet Support