Rename Attachments / Sort by Date Order of Document?


Good afternoon,

I am working in a Smartsheet and the order of attachments (by date) is very important.  I need the attachments to be in the order that the documents were modified last, not the date that the documents were attached.  If an attachment is missed and you actually want things in date order, you have to remove and re-add everything.  There should at least be an option to rename documents so that you can alphabetically organize them.

Thanks in advance,




  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi Sarah,

    As long as you're using the upload new version option when the attachments are modified, the date/time attached will update for them to sort as you're wanting. More on attachment versioning is available here:

    Otherwise, if you're attaching through a difference source (drive, dropbox, etc.) as opposed to uploading from your computer, there currently isn't a way for Smartsheet to pull the timestamp from when files are updated from the third-party source and use that data in Smartsheet when sorting.

    If your scenario falls in the latter category, please submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form under Quick links on the right of the community site to let our Product team know that you'd like to have that feature added.