% Complete based on Todays date, Start and End dates

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I'm looking to return a % complete based on the start and end dates and the current date.

So if a task starts on the 17/7 and ends on the 31/7, and today is the 24/7 - the % complete would be 53%. - (I want to have this as a separate column so I can keep dependencies on the actual % complete column)

=(MIN(TODAY(),*finish date*)-*start date*+1)/*finish date*-*start date*+1)

The formula above would work in Excel, but is there a smartsheet alternative? Any help appreciated.


  • Ok, I've found a new problem -

    This formula works if the task has started/ currently being done :

    =(ROUND((MIN(TODAY(), FINISH1) - START1 + 1) / SUM((FINISH1 - START1 + 1) / 100)))

    The formula below works for tasks not yet started, would show "Not Started", and blank if the number was above 0.

    =IF((ROUND((MIN(TODAY(), FINISH2) - START2 + 1) / SUM((FINISH2 - START2 + 1) / 100))) < 0, "Not Started","")

    How do I write a formula to show a number (which would be the possible % complete) when the value is false, and "Not Started" when the value is true.

  • 12vanblart
    12vanblart ✭✭✭

    In your second formula, if you replace the last `""` with the function you want to calculate, it will return a number instead of a blank value. 

    =IF((ROUND((MIN(TODAY(), FINISH2) - START2 + 1) / SUM((FINISH2 - START2 + 1) / 100))) < 0, "Not Started", (ROUND((MIN(TODAY(), FINISH2) - START2 + 1) / SUM((FINISH2 - START2 + 1) / 100))))

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome Community Champion

    =IF((ROUND((MIN(TODAY(), FINISH2) - START2 + 1) / SUM((FINISH2 - START2 + 1) / 100))) <= 0, "Not Started",(ROUND((MIN(TODAY(), FINISH2) - START2 + 1) / SUM((FINISH2 - START2 + 1) / 100))))


    Give this a try. If the value is <= 0, it will say "Not Started". Otherwise it will input the value.

  • I ended up using this formula, which I like because it requires Start/End dates to be set, and rather than saying "Not Started" I opted for 0% completion.

    I feel this logic is simpler and cleaner as well. I'm sure it could be even better, but I'm no developer.

    =IF(OR(ISBLANK(Start2), ISBLANK(Finish2)), "Add Dates", IF(TODAY() > Finish2, 1, IF(TODAY() < Start2, 0, ((TODAY() - Start2) / (Finish2 - Start2)))))

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