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Conditional Formatting in Calendar Not Working on Refresh

Ben Hughes
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I use conditional formatting to change the background color of certain items in the Calendar view.   Smartsheet seems to have a bug where the conditional formatting works perfectly when going from the List view or Gantt view to the Calendar view, but when I refresh the browser within the Calendar view, the conditional formatting is not applied correctly to several of the items at the bottom of the calendar.  The color of those items is simply the default color.  However, if I go back into List view or Gantt view and then come back into Calendar view, the conditional formatting is working correctly for all the items.


It seems to be a problem when I'm already in the Calendar view and I refresh the browser.  It also seems to be related to the number of rows in the sheet.  When I have under a certain numer of rows, the conditional formatting seems to work perfectly when I refresh the browser in Calendar view, but if I have over a certain number of rows, the conditional formatting isn't applied correctly to the lower items on the calendar.


Has anyone else had this experience?  Is there any hope for a fix?

Ben Hughes


  • I have never had this issue in my reports! 


    I would reach out to the smartsheet support team and share your report/sheet with them so they can troubleshoot.



  • Lindsay O'Keefe
    edited 05/31/16

    Did you receive a resolution for this issue? I'm having the same problem.

  • Hi Lindsay-- Can you confirm that you're refreshing the sheet, rather than the browser? You can refresh the sheet when in any view by right-clicking the sheet name tab and selecting Refresh. Additionally, try using another browser to access Smartsheet to see if the issue may be related to your current browser. If the problem does seem to be browser related, you can either use a different browser with Smartsheet or try disabling extensions to see if one of these may have been in conflict with the application.


    If these steps don't help resolve the issue, feel free to share your sheet with me at Kennedy.Stomps@Smartsheet.com and I'll take a look at it.



  • Lindsay O'Keefe
    edited 06/01/16

    That worked! Thank you!

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