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gantt chart labels

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Is it possible to assign multiple columns in gantt so I can have both the task and person assigned viewable?


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes it is, just create a new column that Concatenates ( adds together) the contents of the columns you want to be seen in the Gantt Label ( as many as makes sense) then assign the new column as the source column in the Gantt settings. We did this for a letting company so it read week 11 + Mr Smith + Paid/ not paid etc.  See formulas in the help section, dont forget to add spaces between words. Hope that helps RichardR

  • Thats fantastic, thank you so much, it's exactly what I need.

  • I"m used to MS Excel, where you can place up to 4 different bits of information on the L or R of the item in the GANTT, and then also place other information in the bar itself.

    We're a bit more limited with Smartsheet, but I used the trick mentioned above to place the % Complete value, along with the Task Name to the right of the object in the GANTT.

    I used the following formula

    =[% Complete]1 * 100 + "%" + " - " + [Task Name]1

    Notice that I had to multiply by 100 to get the percentage to display as integer, but it will show up as something like this...

    "100% - Invent a seedless watermelon"

    Now, if you create a new column, set the column as TXT, and then insert this formula, you'll be all set.  This formula should be entered on the first line of the sheet.  Once you've entered it on the first line, you can grab the lower RH corner of the field, and drag down to populate all of the cells remaining in that column.


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