Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Is it possible to create a link for each column to be copy and paste elsewhere?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts



The feature I am looking for is basically to copy a link to a row for pasting it in my iCal at the event that corresponds.


For instance, if I have to call the Opportunity in row 100 at 4pm, I will manually create an event in my iCal (becasue SmartSheet sync with iCal only adds them as all day events). In the event in iCal I can add an URL, so I would like to copy paste there the link to the row, so I can simply click there during my call to get and edit the information. Right now I am typing in my iCal, and then typing to search in my SmartSheet. This is not efficient when you have many calls, so I would like an easier way if possible.


I tried to send an email and copy the link to that email, but there is no option to do that in Mail, and if I right click and copy that link it gives me a 404 error.


Any help would be highly appreciated. 


  • Employee

    Hi Lola, at the moment the only way to get a URL which will bring you directly to a row is to use the Send Row feature to email the row to yourself then get the URL from the email. The URL you will want to use is the one attached to the Log In button.


    Most email clients allow you to right click on this button and select Copy Link Address but it may be possible you will need to reach out to your IT team for help copying links from an email. 

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