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Setting Rules and Conditional Formatting


I am trying to make a rule that when I am finished with a cell and change a status on that cell it will then transfer it to another sheet. In short when I am finished with a project and have colleceted payment and finished with the set project; that I can make a rule to where it will then have a pre set rule to where I can just click it and then it will move to my inactive sheet of completed work.


  • I am not sure I got your question right, so below are several proposals that might inspire you.

    . If the purpose is to classify pending/achieved rows, you can create a status column and work out with filters of course.

    . If the purpose is to list achievements, keep the status column and make up a report that will specifically pick up rows whose column has the "achieved" sign ✓.

    . If the purpose is to get rid of the achieved work and archive. Here is a great blog post from the Smartsheet team on methods to archive sheets: http://www.smartsheet.com/blog/tips-support-don’t-delete-archive-your-sheet#sthash.mOlkhoO6.dpuf


  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Automation to that sort of level is not available in Smartsheet.  It does not have a Macro language a such.  To automate that sort of action would require accessing the smartsheet using the API and writting code.

    You can use Conditional formatting to highlight rows that need to be archived, however the actual archiving is a manual process.

  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You could try the app Zapier.  That might work for what you want to do.

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