Invalid recipients of notifications removed from SmartSheet sharing access

fr@nk ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I'm using alerts/notifications and getting false positive alerts about invalid recipients who happen to be on vacation with automated out-of-office replies. I get an alert as shown below with steps to change permissions for including the inactive users in the automated notifications that were originally set up. The funny thing is that in some cases, users with multiple out-of-office responses seem to be automatically removed from accessing to the Sheet that was generating the invalid recipients email alert. This is problematic, as there's no warning or notification about the users being removed from the Sheet. Is this a bug, and are there account admin settings to avoid this problem? Thanks.


Sample email with subject "Invalid recipients in Alerts and Actions rule"

An Alerts & Actions rule on your sheet has invalid recipients:

[Email Address]

To include these recipients, you may need to do one or more of the following:

1. Check your Alerts & Actions Permissions. Open the Alerts & Actions menu at the top of your sheet and select Manage Alerts & Actions. Click the Settings icon to modify permission levels to include the invalid recipients.

2. Edit your notification recipients. In Alerts & Actions, edit the rule named "[Sheet Name]" by double-clicking it.

3. Check with your account administrator to ensure appropriate email addresses are whitelisted for your organization.


The SmartSheet Team
