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Drop down list data from column in another sheet



  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    www.ddupdate.com does what you are looking for and it's free. 

  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    I wanted drop-down options from another sheet so badly that I built it. You can use it for free @ www.ddupdate.com 

  • Tana Rucker
    Tana Rucker Overachievers Alumni
    edited 11/06/18

    Ha!  I'm dying over here.  Your timing is perfect, and I'm trying this out now. As of right now, we have two use cases that would benefit from this today, and more likely. 

    After logging in and clicking "map relationships", I receive an error: AnvilWrappedError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf6' in position 1: ordinal not in range(128).  Once I get it to work, holler if you'd like some additional feedback.

    Tana Rucker

    Charter Communications


  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion


    Thanks for the feedback! We identified the bug and have addressed it. You're good to go. Thanks for testing our beta version. Please send any feedback directly to us at support@ddupdate.com. 


  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    Did you see www.ddupdate.com?

    It allows you to update drop down options with a column in another sheet. 

  • I am going to try this right now. THANK YOU!

  • Kudos to Smartsheet for making this now available. 

    I would encourage Smartsheet to include this as part of its basic package. I used Smartsheet a few years ago, and am revisiting it for another purpose, which happens to need the use of drop-down data from another sheet.  

    Having drop-down boxes from another sheet of data is last century technology that we should definitely not be paying extra for. Seems a little greedy, as I believe it should have been there as a basic feature.  I realize it is probably more difficult  to implement than what we think, but it kind of defeats the purpose of calling the current suite "Smartsheet", if its not much smarter than Excel. :)

    Again, sorry to say, but it does seem a little greedy having to pay for something that should already be there. 

    I just want to now do a shout out to the gentleman who created www.ddupdate.com. Looks great, and will look into that, but the data I am working with is sensitive, and I have concerns about security regarding that. Any thoughts of reassurance would be helpful. Thanks


  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    Hi Jason, 

    Where do you see that Smartsheet is now making this functionality available!? 

    www.ddupdate.com employs the OAuth 2.0 protocol to connect to Smartsheet, storing only data which are vital to the function which it provides on highly-secure AWS servers with strong safe-guards including multiple layers of domain restricted access, encryption, and secret containers.

    We have quickly gained a healthy user base in our first week since our beta release and plan to add some documentation and functionality based on the feedback we have received. Focusing on security first, we are confident that we meet or exceed your security standard and are happy to have a more in depth discussion. You can reach me directly via support@ddupdate.com. 


  • This is rediculous  that SS doesnt have dropdown lists!  2 years of discussion and no feedback on core feature.

    Without dropdowns what processes you can run?  Order office paper  from one vendor? 

    I dreamed how i can start SS on 400 people business to boost digital transformation, but now i do not see any possibility to use this service in any serious processes. 


  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion
    edited 12/24/18

    What's your solution?

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I would suggest you avoid giving your Smartsheet credentials to anyone you do not trust. And most of the anyone's that you do. 

    This goes for your Facebook, Google, and other SaaS credentials. 

    I would certainly not give my credentials without seeing what the company agrees to do / not do with the information.

    I have the same functionality in my API tools, from the description, with very similar concept. There ARE ways to do this with more security, such as creating a dummy user with access to only a few Sheets. However, to accomplish what this does via the API, the credentials MUST have Admin privileges on the destination sheets. 

    Use at your own risk.





  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    Hi James, 

    We at On Time Solutions built www.ddupdate.com to update drop down options from another sheet. 

    Here's a YouTube video to show you how simple it is. 


  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion
    edited 02/02/19


    Implementing a Smartsheet OAuth Flow means others can use the integration to interact with their Smartsheet data without any sensitive information (username, password, etc.) actually changing hands.


  • MR
    MR ✭✭

    I also need this feature. Please implement. sad

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