Sprint Dates not sourcing to SmartSheet

Sarah McMorrow
Sarah McMorrow ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am pulling in issues based on certain epics.   All issues have been added into future sprints but the sprint start and end dates are not sourcing into my SmartSheet.  Only issues that in the current or past sprints are sourcing dates.  Am I doing something wrong or do dates not source until the sprint starts?


  • Nathan Lloyd
    Nathan Lloyd Employee
    edited 02/12/19


    Sprint start and end dates should sync into your Smartsheet for all Active and Completed Sprints in Jira. Dates are not added to a Sprint until it is started in Jira. 

    If you would like to add Sprint dates for Sprints that will start in the future, you can start the Sprint in Jira and add the future start and end dates.

    The next time your Workflow syncs, Sprint dates should be synced to the sheet as expected.

    If you have additional questions or require further assistance with this, please feel free to submit a ticket with Smartsheet Support here: https://www.smartsheet.com/contact

    Hope that helps!

    Kind regards,


    Smartsheet Support