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Counter on Report

Lisa Doyle
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is there a way to add a column to a report?


I have multiple SmartSheets managing Test Scripts in multiple functional groups and I want to create a bug report for the developer that searches them all and only shows them the "Fails", but I would like the failures to get a unique identifier. Is it possible to add a column that creates a counter (i.e. CAS-0001) for reporting purposes?


I am using the ryg balls to manage the fails (r = fails, y = ready for retest, g= fixed). The "bug" report will be a permanent record so items will remain on the list even after they are fixed because the formula on the Test Script Sheets looks for any value in the Fail column to mark a "Failure".


Thank you,




  • Greg Hawk

    Hi Lisa, reports cannot have any unique columns. You could add a failures counter to each sheet then add it to the report. But with this method, you could turn on auto-numbering on each sheet (Which would add a number to each row and will not take into account failures from other sheets) or you could manually add a counter on each row once it is added to the report. 

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