Monthly Turnover Time

edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

Hello, I am working to create a widget on a dashboard. In order to do this, I want to get data between a start date and end date (turnover time) per month to show monthly progress. I have tried by finding the month and year but I'm not sure how to attach the turnover time days with its corresponding month/year





=COUNTIFS([Month of Creation Dates]1:[Month of Creation Dates]244, =1, [Year of Creation Dates]1:[Year of Creation Dates]244, =2018)





I then tried to find the sum but it gives a massive number no where close to what I'm looking for (I also realize this next formula has no year aspect but I'm not sure how to incorporate it quite yet)





=SUMIF([Month of Creation Dates]1:[Month of Creation Dates]244, [Month of Creation Dates]1:[Month of Creation Dates]244 = 1, [Turnover Time]1:[Turnover Time]244)



Any suggestions/solutions appreciated!

Thank you for your time.


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    What type of widget are you wanting to use and how would you want the data displayed within the widget?

  • cjleon

    I am wanting to use a chart widget to display a monthly average of turnover time. A bar chart would be sufficient.

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Are you able to provide some screenshots of your sheet(s)?

  • cjleon

    Sorry for the late response! Didn't get a notification.


    The formula I have now is manual but I was looking for something more automated where I don't have to put the cell name in order for it to be counted.

    turnover time months.JPG

    turnover time formula.JPG

  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/26/19

    Long story short, you are going to want to use and AVG(COLLECT( formula. The first range is the range of numbers to be averaged. You can then specify criteria range/criteria within the rest of the COLLECT function.

    Long story long...


    See the below screenshot. It may have a little more too it than what you are looking for, but it will cover pulling at the very least numbers from a specific month and/or year and can be adjusted in many different ways to include numerous amounts of criteria depending on how specific of a result you are looking for.


    Basically what I do is create a table. I name the first column as "Year" and then every column after that is the corresponding month name from January on to December.

    I then list the year I am wanting to pull for in row 1 of the year column and then continue across row one with the month numbers 1 - 12.


    If I have multiple sets of data to compare against the same criteria, I list those down the Year column starting in row 2.


    I then use the following:



    The name of the column where the numbers I want to average is located.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell)

    Will skip over any cells in the Count column that does not contain a number (gets rid of the #INVALID DATA error).


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date

    My Date column I am using to search against.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(

    I am looking at multiple criteria for the same range (month and year), so I specify AND to keep from having to duplicate the range entry.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(YEAR(IFERROR(@cell, 0))

    Tells the formula to look at the year, but if there is no year to use 0. This will put a 0 in place of the year if the date cell is blank so it will essentially skip over blank date cells without throwing an error on the YEAR function.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(YEAR(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = $Year$1

    Refers to the cell where I entered my year in the table.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(YEAR(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = $Year$1, MONTH(IFERROR(@cell, 0))

    Same as the YEAR but looking at the month instead.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(YEAR(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = $Year$1, MONTH(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = January$1)

    Refers to row 1 of whatever column the formula is in (note the $'s used throughout to lock references for drag-filling).


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(YEAR(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = $Year$1, MONTH(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = January$1)))

    Closing out the AVG and COLLECT functions using )) then drag-filling on down the row will give you your monthly averages.


    =AVG(COLLECT($Count:$Count, $Count:$Count, ISNUMBER(@cell), Date:Date, AND(YEAR(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = $Year$1, MONTH(IFERROR(@cell, 0)) = January$1), $Type:$Type, @cell = $Year@row))

    For the example in the screenshot I also broke it down by type, but pulling for year and month alone is detailed in the previous steps above.


    Does this help any?


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