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Email Notifications and Lost Data

Jill Rice
Jill Rice
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

No one in our company is receiving email notifications from SmartSheet.  This started happening after the upgrade they did over the weekend.  We have also lost some data from our sheets.  The data was entered and then later disappeared.  I've tried emailing SmartSheet about the issue, but have not received and explanation.  I'm curious if anyone else is having the same issues. 


  • Kyle Morgan
    Kyle Morgan ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Yes. I am having the same issue and have been in contact with support since Monday.

    The issue began immediately upon the launch of the upgrade.

    I am on day 5 with no success. I have already exhausted the list of "have your IT Dept update your server...", "check your spam filter settings"..."set up a test delivery..." options and am coming up with nothing.

    As of this morning, I can finally send reports and notifications manually but, all of my scheduled reports, notifications have stopped working completely.

    To say that frustration levels are reaching new heights would be a gross understatement.

    I am sorry to hear that you are having the same issue but at least I know that I am not alone anymore.

  • Kyle Morgan
    Kyle Morgan ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Basically, this is what my inbox has looked like every day since the update.


    Screen shot 2016-02-19 at 12.38.07 PM.png

  • Travis
    Travis Employee
    edited 02/19/16


    Jill, After the update this weekend, some of our addresses and DNS settings that were sending the emails changed, and this caused some emails to go into the spam filters.


    We also just made a change on the back end to minimize this blocking issue but the best way to resolve this would be to provide the below information to your IT department so they can whitelist our relays to ensure emails can be received by your company.


    The following relays should be added to your organization’s trusted sender list:






    These should be referenced as acceptable addresses from which to receive email.


    If you are still not receiving emails after your IT department whitelists those relays, please email support@smartsheet.com for assistance. 


    Kyle, I will follow up with the Support team to get your ticket escalated. 

  • Kyle Morgan
    Kyle Morgan ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you, Travis.

    So you are aware, I rec'd the above information (verbatim) on Monday. All of the changes were implemented by our IT Dept as instructed and we have had no success.

    I am able to run my reports and manually send them. The success rate with the manual send has improved but is stil sporadic. The schedule deliveries are still a no-go.

    Hope this info helps.

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Hi Kyle, thanks for the reply. I looked into your Support ticket and saw that you did receive the information I provided above. I was giving that information to Jill who I noticed had not contacted Support (and anyone else who may need this information).


    I will continue to follow up with Support on your issue. 

  • Kyle Morgan
    Kyle Morgan ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/24/16


    Are you still experiencing issues with email notifications?

    I am on day 10 with no solution.

    Just checking to see if someone was able to resolve your issues.

  • 76

    Is there a fix when email notifications are not being sent/received?


  • Hi 76-- Have you had your IT team add our relays to your email service's whitelist? I've included them below: 






    These should be referenced as acceptable addresses from which to receive email.


    If you are still not receiving emails after your IT department whitelists those relays, please email support@smartsheet.com for assistance. 

This discussion has been closed.