Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Gantt Sheet - Linking Dates

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

How can I generate the sub dates on a Gantt sheet using the duration?

I would like to be able to copy my project and the subdates automatically generate from the head date? This could be generated by the duration. 

For example 

If the Head start date is 1/3/2016 

I would like the sub dates to auto generate from the duration if 

Project line 1 was 1d duration pre head start date it would read 29/02/2016

project line 2 was 2d duration post head start date it would read 3/03/2016


I have a master sheet with the durations for each sub but this does not auto amend when I copy the project and change the head start date.





  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Make sure Dependencies are turned on (in the Project Settings).


    You can't work backwards from a Summary Row start date in a child on the summary.

    That defeats the purpose of the Summary Row.


    However, if you are tying to another task, you have 4 possibilities for Predecessor type:


    SF - start to finish, the second task can't start until the first finishes.

    SS - start to start, the second task can't start until the first starts

    FF - finish to finish, the second can't finish until the first finishes

    FS - finish to start, the second can't finish until the first starts


    If Task B starts 2 days before Task A, then SS is what you are looking for and using a lead/lag


    1SS - 2d


    (if Task A is in row 1)


    might get you what you want.





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