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Restrict input to only values of drop-down list



  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    The focus group for this went well, at least from my perspective.  I thought you had a good handle on how to manage the lists.

    Will this make it into the next release?  I'd really like to be able to have more control over my dropdown items.

  • Salim Sahyoun
    edited 01/15/17

    Any update on this enhancement? (limiting choice to list of drop down values)

  • Hi Salim,

    Thanks for checking in. We are developing this feature now and expect to deliver it in the next 2-3 months. We'll know the timing better as we get closer to the ship date.


    In the meantime, in case it's helpful: you could apply a Conditional Formatting rule to color data yellow or red if it does not match a dropdown choice.


    Best regards,


  • Hi Daniel,

    In exactly one week, three months will have elapsed since you announced that data validation settings would be delivered to Smartsheet, and I am yet another user who needs to immediately benefit from this addition that I'm still very surprised was not a basic functionality from the beginning. What's the status? Thanks!

  • Hi Don,

    Thanks for checking in. We are wrapping up development of data validation and expect to deliver it in the next 1-2 months, so please stay tuned.

    How are you looking to use data validation? We're always interested to hear specific scenarios from customers, which we incorporate into our feature development.

    Best regards,


  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    So very happy to hear that this is just around the corner. 

    As for usage methods:

    We use SS to track our installation projects, which can last anywhere from 1-3 years.  We ask that the people record their hours used in one cell, and then have another cell where they can record their hours lost.  Next to that field is a "reason" field, where they select from one of a few categories of time loss reasons: documentation, missing parts, part failures, etc.  I then have formulas which count up all of the hours related to each category and generate a KPI.

    However... This formula ONLY works if they use the drop-down choices.  If they type in one extra character then I am at a loss.

    Please let me know if I can help on this.

  • +1 for improved data validation as a broad set of casual users can cause a fair amount of data integrity problems. 

  • Brad Jones
    Brad Jones ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Fingers tapping on desk in anticipation.

  • Dear Colton,

    do you have any news regarding the restriction of the manual input, even if the drop down list is set?

    Thank you in advance.

    Best regards






  • Hi all,

    Data Validation is now available! This support article has details on the new feature. Feel free to try it out and let us know if any questions come up.

    Best regards,


This discussion has been closed.