Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Working within an attached file

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Does anyone know if this is an upcoming enhancement (or if it will never be?)


When we attach files to rows, we would like to be able to open them from the row, make edits, and save back to row instead of to computer - and have some kind of history/version control?


This would be extremely helpful in significantly reducing the need to use our , enhance collaboration, and stop people talking about other software that allows you to "check out/check in" a document (you know the one! Smile) .  Version control is huge


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    Personally I quite like the way smartsheet does version history - works well for me.


    However, I completely agree with the recommendation regarding being able to work on a file directly from the web without needing to go through the hassle of downloading and uploading. If this could be implemented it would allow a massive leap forwards in terms of potential applications and use-cases.


    I imagine it's not straight forward to implement - kind asking smartsheet to become a dropbox/onedrive replacement.

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    I would like to be albe to edit an attahchment from the computer that has already been attached to a row (in smartsheets) without deleting it from the smartsheet and reuploading it.

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    Hi Stephanie,


    While you do need to download a file to edit it, you don't need to delete the old version. Just uplaod the edited file and Smartsheet will keep it alongside all previous versions of the same file.



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    That's ok if you want to keep all the versions. 

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    If the file name is the same, Smartsheet will either add the new version as a new file or an updated version of the previous one (your choice). If you choose the second, then you can view and download previous versions but only one is shown in the attachment list.


    I believe if you put your doc on Google Drive, you can edit from their and it will update in Smartsheet.



  • We keep our documents in Google Drive and attach to rows. This way, users can open and edit the file and do not need to reattach the file. It always links to the most up to date file and we never have to download or upload anything. 

This discussion has been closed.

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