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IF function/moving row's across sheets



I have multiple project sheets, whereby each row represents information about a project.

I would like to know if there is a feature whereby if i was to enter into a field that this project was complete, that the entire row could be moved to a new sheet for completed projects.


E.g. if i were to enter a "tick" or the word "Complete" into a column i've created, this entire row then move automatically out of this ongoing project sheet, into a closed project sheet with all other closed projects.






  • Hi Jen!

    Great question - currently, you would either need to right-click on the row, and manually select "Move Row to Other sheet", or, we could build an integration with our partner, Azuqua.

    With Azuqua, you can set up rules for this type of automation to take place based on a checkbox. If you are interested in the Azuqua option, please let me know (kara.lumley@smartsheet.com) and I'll set up a call with them.


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