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Mail Merge with Google Docs to One Document

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

When I mail merge with Google Docs and set the outup to individual files, all files format correctly.  However, when I set the output to combine all docs into one file, the formatting is all wrong.  Does anybody know how to correct this?




  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Depends on what you mean "Formatting is all wrong". IF you mean that each record is on its own page that is because you cannot merge multiple recorgs onto on page.  In effect each record is a seperate documnent, the combine into one document just meand merge all the documents so you get 1 PDF or 1 Google doc. Google docs cannot do caterlogues as yet, unless somebody else can tell us otherwise.



  • Thanks James.  The problem is in the formatting of the individual documents.  My doc has a header with a logo.  When I print the docs individually, the header appears correctly, however, when I combine, there is no logo and the header doesn't format correctly.  Additionally, I have multiple signature line at the bottom of my doc and the line spacing is all wrong on the combined version but correct when I merge them individually.

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I do not use this much but I would suspect that it is treating it as one document and the Header is a Document header rather than a page header.


    When I get a moment I will see if I can replicate the problem and come back to you unless somebody else beats me to it.



  • Hi Howard,


    Sorry that you're running into a problem with Smartsheet Merge for Google Docs. I'm not aware of this problem, but we are planning to do an update to those sometime later this year. We'll look into this one when we get update it. Unfortunately, I cannot commit to a timeframe at this time, but it's on my radar.


    Scott Willeke | Smartsheet
    Sr. Product Manager, Strategic Integrations 


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