Report filter that includes "Today" correctly shows the rows on the report, but not when displayed v

PeterG ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I have a report that is set to show rows that have a "Date Published" column where the Date is equal to today or is in the past.  For examples sake 12 rows in total. 4 rows have a past date, 4 rows have today's date, and 4 rows have no date or a date in the future.

When viewing the report directly, the report is correctly showing 8 rows.  

I have a dashboard link to this report, but when viewing via the dashboard link only the 4 rows that are in the past are showing.   

My user ID and the Site are all set in AEST (Sydney, AUS) Timezone.   

If I change the rows that have today's date to yesterday, then they show on the dashboard report link.  However this is not acceptable as we have to maintain the date published accurately.

It appears that that the dashboards is not performing date/timezone calculations correctly.  Any one else finding this, or any advise on how to resolve?
