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Enhancement Request: Group Columns

Would really like to see an option to group or at the very least hide columns. Would definitely allow for an easier view for columns with =sum functions but still provide options to open up the details if needed.


  • Jim Hook
    Jim Hook ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    You can easily hide columns by right-clicking on the column header (or select multiple columns first) and selecting Hide Column. To bring them back into view you right-click on any column header and select Unhide All Columns. It's not as nice as indenting rows beneath a parent row but it can simplify the viewing of a busy sheet or hiding sensitive data.

  • Sean Gutierrez
    edited 04/14/16

    Completely missed that. Thanks Jim! Definitely a step in the right direction but I would still like to see a grouping function eventually. Problem with hide i realized is its all or nothing. With a group function (similar to excel) it can be turned on and off without having to reselect and hide the specific columns each time. 

  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Thanks for the suggestion Sean! I will add this to our enhancement request list. 

  • +1 vote for this enhancement request.

This discussion has been closed.