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dealing with distant dates


Hi everyone, I really need help here. My project is of the long sort (several years). I seem to have a problem with far away dates: smartsheet won't 'take' a date in 2018 (I type it or select it in the calender and the box goes blank). 


My other question is: how do I hides dates (I don't need the next few months on the GANTT Charts)?


Thanks a million for your guidance!


PS: it's super urgent!


  • Atus Bartal
    Atus Bartal ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Are you sure that's the problem and not something else? 

    I can make it: 

    I don't know why it doesn't work for you (and that whether you can hide months on the Gantt-chart or not). I do hope, however, that you can solve these problems.


  • Tim McCarthy
    Tim McCarthy ✭✭✭✭✭

    Anne-Lise - I can enter dates far in the future both using the calendar and by typing them and do not experience your problem. What is the formatting of your column/cells? column properties?

  • Thanks guys! Indeed you were right: it was something else. I am starting both with Smart Sheets and with GANTT charts, so I'm going up a steep learning curve. The problem came from the fact that I was trying to set a date (distant, but that was not the issue) for a task which was a dependent on another task, whose date I had not yet defined. That was the issue! (I was planning backwards, but that is not how Smart Sheet works).

    Thanks again!


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    You can build a schedule backwards.

    It isn't always as easy as this makes it seem:




    but it works.



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