VLOOKUP for multiple options influencing Gantt chart

hcosta52671 ✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

I have a sheet that uses Gantt chart data to show assignments on a calendar.

The persons assigned are all in a "Name" column that is a drop down with all the employee names on them. Next to that are start and end date columns that then show a bar range in calendar view.

The employee's name will only appear in the bar in calendar view if the name is in the Primary Column.

The Primary Column can only be text, and NOT a drop down list.

I have been successful in using VLOOKUP so that when the drop down name is chosen in the Name column, that name populates into the Primary Column.

My problem, is that I cannot figure out how to do that for multiple choices. (For example, if in my drop down I have employees Larry, Moe, and Curly, my VLOOKUP works for only one of those names.) Is there a way to use VLOOKUP so it will return the correct name for any employee chosen? 


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