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time based reports?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I'm sure what I'm looking to do is not that difficult, I just can't find a way to achieve it. What I have is a sheet that consists of quote amounts ($) that are relative to a quote date. What I want to do is to look at how many dollars we have quoted that are on quotes a month old, 2 months old, etc. 


Ideally this would be something that I could write with a formula right in my current Open Quotes sheet, but if I have to do it with a Report, then I will. I see in the report builder that I can make a report based on a specific date, but that would require that I go into the report and constantly update the date. What I want is a constantly up to date solution that is always looking...


Is there a clean way of achieving this?



  • You can do this with a SUMIFS formula.


    The SUMIFS requires the range you want to sum, the range for the first criteria to use, the actual first critiera to use, the range for the second criteria to use, the actual second criteria, etc.


    So your forumula looks like this:

    =SUMIFS([Range to sum], [Range of dates], ">=start date",[Range of dates],"<=end date")  Note that the dates and the operators are in double quote marks.


    My smartsheet forumla looks like this:
    =SUMIFS([Column2]1:[Column2]5, [Primary Column]1:[Primary Column]5, ">=01/01/2016", [Primary Column]1:[Primary Column]5, "<=01/31/2016)")


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