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Need a drop down list to populate it's selection based on the selection from another drop down in th

I am creating a survey sheet and forms.  I have created two drop down lists in my sheet (easy enough).  One holds 5 selections for neighborhoods in NYC.  The second column conains addresses all over the city, all found in one of the 5 neighborhoods.


I would like to be able to select a neighborhood from column 1 and then have the possible selections in column 2 to only show those addresses found in neighborhood 1 or neighborhood 2 depending on which I slected from the first column.


Easy to do in excel, bit doesnt translate to SS.  I would prefer to do this all within SS and not have to worry about google forms or other third party apps.


Is this possible?


  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    This is something we have had numerous clients ask for... ie Conditional Logic, and while I take your point about not using any more Apps than you need to, If the driver for the solution, is sufficient to justify spending time and money in getting exactly what you want then we can definitely help you. 

    Using Appsheet as the connector, you can have what you ask and do so in a very user friendly Interface on any platform, any device, linking 2 Smartsheets together with improved confidentiality of sensitive data. ( Cpmpared with using Reports).  

    Even connects Excel sheets with Google sheets with Smartsheets if necessary even works OFFline, then Sync on return to a connection. We love it and it is not the sort of money normally associated with Mobile Apps. 

    We are just setting up Demo Apps as we write, now our testing is complete, so let us know if your need justifies further review? 

    Regards Richard 


    ps for the sake of clarity, we are APPsheet Partners as well as Smartsheet Recommended Consultants and it was the guys at Smartsheet that first brought this functionality to our attention. 

  • Hi Richard - I am new to both Smartsheet and App sheet. I am a web developer and looking to use the framework to build a solution for a contracting business client. I have accounts for both Smartsheet and AppSheet. Are you able to point me to an article or point me in the right direction on how to populate dropdown menus in Smartsheet from a different sheet using Appsheet? I can't seem to find any information on it other than your comment above. Many thanks in advance.

  • Richard Rymill SBP
    Richard Rymill SBP ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi NZ

    I doubt the information you seek is written up anywhere, sufficient for you to follow it and build your own, you need to understand how the two Apps work well together first, then work out the smoothest workflow, design and then build it. 


    We can help you through this process and as part of the handover, we can "show you how we did it" and train you for onward maintenance and development of further solutions.


    If it turns out that you have and "APP .titude" ( pun) for this type of work, we may well be able to point work in your direction as the amount of orders we are receiving is very substantial. 

    Maybe a free initial consultation, is where we should start? Let me know if that suits you and a good day/time to discuss? 






  • JeremiahHorstick
    JeremiahHorstick Community Champion

    The simplest method I have heard mentioned for dynamic dropdowns is Google Forms. 

    Here is the solution in another topic

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