Resource Pool Management

Deepum Bhatia
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

I am in the process of setting up a Resource Pool of named resources to support a number of Projects. I need to indicate, for each individual resource, their availability to work on projects (e.g. Leave Periods, Working Days in a week (for part-time staff). I don't believe I can do this within Smartsheet as these details are determined at project or organisation level. I was hoping that someone has an alternative solution. I suppose that I could have a "Leave" Project and a "Non-availability" Project for the Resource Pool. Using Resource View, I could then determine whether a specific resource is overloaded for any working day/period. This would be a bit long winded!


  • That sounds like a good work-around. I, too, had hoped for the true functionality in Smartsheet and was disappointed that it is not currently there. It would really help when hammering out project schedules, and I hope Smartsheet develops and releases it soon.