Ancestor/Child Blueprints

Ezra ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

Very curious about this Ancestor (aka parent) and Child Blueprints under one Program.. - I think it would really help our Program, as we need to work off of a "master" project number list which can't have overlapping numbers.

I'm sure someone's dealt with this in other ways.. but not certain how. Did you have one intake for both blueprints? Did you run a report to look for and flag duplicate numbers? Did you just deal with the semi-manual entry of numbers based on a yes/no workflow?



  • @Erza - Thanks for your post. We are working on a new capability in Control Center that we are currently calling Multi-Tier programs. This would give you the ability to have Parent and Child blueprints. For example, you can use the Parent blueprint to launch a Customer and use the child blueprint to launch projects for each customer. The projects can then be rolled up for each customer in an easy way.