Dashboard Metric Sheet Index Collect and Week # format

edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics

We are having some issues with our dashboard linking abilities.

We have a cost summary sheet that is updated weekly and our current set-up involves the values entered in the cost summary linked to a dashboard metric sheet with the "today" function tied to the week # function in order to have the $ values automatically linked to the dashboard based on the week #.

The issue is that we cannot seem to get the weeks to aline and have the most up to date weekly #'s transported to the metric sheet.

All job costs are entered on Fridays so the issue we are having has to do with the week # function. 

Is there a way to retro date it to show us the previous weeks info? Maybe WEEK NUMBER -1?

I attached a few pictures of what the formulas are as of now and one picture of the set up of the cost summary sheet where the info is being linked from. 

Capture 2.PNG

Capture 3.PNG

Capture 4.PNG

