Nested COUNTIF formula

Amandadg1223 ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions


I am hoping someone can help me solve this formula. What I am trying to do is keep a running total of hours of vacation used. For example, If Joe wants to take an 8 hour vacation he will go to the dates and type in "V8" (Vacation, 8 hours) or 4 hours would be "V4".ETC. When this is entered I want those hours to be subtracted from the column that shows the total amount of vacation hours allowed. In excel, my COUNTIF formula works great for this. I would use a formula that looked something like this in the hours used colum.  As this is calculated, it will be subtracted from their total hours column to determine their remaining balance.




When used in smartsheet I get the #UNPARSEABLE error. How can I achieve this in smartsheet? 


Thanks for your help!



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