Archived 2016 Posts

Archived 2016 Posts

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Hierarchy from Excel

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Hi all, I have an Excel sheet that I export from TFS and has a hierarchy defined. I would like to copy it into Smartsheet and maintain that hierarchy without having to manually recreate it. Can this be done? I am not opposed to using Excel to reformat appropriately. I am just trying to avoid recreating the hierarchy every time we update the data.

A sample of the hierarchy in the export is in the screenshot below.





2016-07-07 08_33_33-Hierarchy Sample - Excel.png


  • Employee
    edited 08/26/16

    Hi Nick-- Great question! We don't currently support importing this kind of hierarchy from Excel--at this point there isn't a way for Smartsheet to translate the hierarchy you have set up as content in a column into the hierarchy format used in Smartsheet. Hope this clears things up!

  • Employee
    edited 07/11/16

    Kennedy is correct that Smartsheet doesn't currently support creating hierarchy directly from sheet data, but if the Excel worksheet has an outline/group, it will attempt convert that into Smartsheet row hierarchy during import. 


    Excel outline/grouping is very similar to Smartsheet's row hierarchy with the ability to collaps/expand the heirarchy. 


    Hope this helps. 


This discussion has been closed.

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