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Sight attach file widget - link to attachment in a sheet

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I have several sheets used for tracking projects, and typically there are a few very important documents which need easy acces, versus the list of many other attachments. I'd like have a quick way inside the Sights feature to link to a specific row/cell in a sheet that has an attachment. So from the Sight, while viewing the high level status and dates, if someone wants to see the file they can get to it directly from the Sight. I'd also like to not have to upload the file again or link to an external source. 


Why isn't that an option in the widget? or am I missing an easy work around?


Screen Shot 2016-07-13 at 3.56.05 PM.png


  • Kennedy Stomps
    Kennedy Stomps Employee
    edited 07/14/16

    Hi George-- At this point, we don't offer the ability to add a shortcut to a specific attachment at the row or sheet-level in a sheet--this would require scanning every row of all of your sheets (owned and shared) to pull out the attachments and, as you could imagine, could quickly become a very long list! I've passed your feedback on this on to our Product team, but at this point, there isn't a workaround.

  • kbennettNav

    This would be a very useful feature.  For me when using the metric widget to select the cells within the smartsheet to show I would like the option to select the attachment.  Not every attachment needs to be scanned (that would be overkill and inefficient) only the attachment on the sheet within the row I select.

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