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Add card to a specific project or task

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts


 When in card view , how do i choose to which project  is a new card assigned?  When i click add card it doesnt give me an option to select project name. This way i have to go back to sheetview and rearange it again.I like to stay primarly in cardview .  


thanks for any help on 


  • Hi Lou-- It isn't currently possible to set up hierarchy in the Card View but I'd be happy to add your vote for this to our enhancement request list. To better help me communicate what you're looking for to our team, can you clarify what you think would be the easiest way to do this? Would you like a dropdown list to select the parent row from? I can imagine this list could get very long if you have parents and grandparents in your sheet!

  • DROP down list would be a  good option .  Similar to a bookmarks system  in a browser  works.  I keep all of my projects and tasks in one sheet. This helps with easy overal view  of progress.  The problem is when you want to add a new task. Where does it go , into which project? It remains uncategorizes and must be categorized in a grid view.  


  • Hi Lou-- Thanks for this feedback! I will pass this along to our Product team.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Any dropdown list can be used to change the card view.

    I use a Card View for data requirements gathering.

    There is a dropdown for which phase we are in on the project (requirements, design, implementation, etc...) and another for the MoSCoW (must-have,should-have,could-have,won't have) and so on.

    Depending on the task at hand, depends on which card view I'm using but they are all from the same sheet.


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