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Release 2016-08-06 unintended consequences (part 2)

J. Craig Williams
J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I noticed that many of my sheets were "updated" on Aug 7th.

Many more than is possible or likely.


But not all.

So something triggered the update. Perhaps associated with the new formulas.


Normally, I likely woudn't even notice this, but I'm in the middle of working with two clients that have far too many sheets and they aren't sure exactly what they have ... and we are in the middle of determing what sheets are being used and which likely not so this is a significant inconvenience.


I doubt there is a way to get a sheet access report from last week or something like that ... but any help would be appreciated.





  • Tim Meeks
    Tim Meeks ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    i had one uses tha thad some SUM formulas and reference formulas wiped out. 


    Then another fomula was in the wrong column. She corrected before I could send examples over.  


    Going to get users to check all sheets with formulas to verify no issues.



  • Those updates were triggered by the new calculation engine and are a result of the new calc strategy & increased precision.  Any change made as a result of the migration will be performed by the user "migration@smartsheet.com" so you could potentially use that info to filter out the rows modified by migration, though it sounds like you're after the date of the modification before the last?  We've gone through and migrated sheets in chronological order, so things that have been migrated have been accessed most recently.  That means that a reasonable first-pass on "active sheets" for your client is those that have been migrated.  We will keep going on the migration, though, so grab a snapshot soon, then again in a bit, and you'll get some checkpoints on what's used most recently. 




  • @tim


    Sorry to hear about the range issues and they're very unexpected.  If you can point us to an example, we'd be very interested and will work to figure out what's happened. 




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