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Search: No ability to search in attached PDFs?

Monica Evanchik
Monica Evanchik ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts



I've read through the documentation and know that at this time there's no capability to search inside of PDFs...however, I noticed search enhancements on the roadmap and wondered if searchable PDFs were part of those enhancements?


Would love to know.






  • Scott Willeke
    Scott Willeke Employee
    edited 09/07/16

    Hi Monica,


    As I understand you're interested in a capability where Smartsheet's current search functionality returning results from the contents of PDFs that are attached in Smartsheet. Are you attaching sheets via our attachment integrations (e.g.Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.) or are you direct uploading attachments to Smartsheet?


    I'd love to know an answer to the above, but in general, searching attachment content is indeed something that we're considering but we haven't prioritized it at this time.


    Scott Willeke | Smartsheet
    Sr. Product Manager, Strategic Integrations

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