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Date Format - Add the time eg 14/01@0930

Wayne Burr
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is there a formula available so I can create a date like the following?




or is there any plans to have more date format options?


Such as DD/MM @ HHMM


  • Heidi Decker
    Heidi Decker ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Wayne,

    Since you don't give alot of information about how you're going to use this, I will just give you the solution that is out there and what it does.

    If you are looking to capture the date and time someone created or modified something, you can add a column that is Auto Number/System. Then select what your options is (either Modified or Created, by or date). Once you save it, it will populate the entire column with the last date and time (9/9/16  10:34am) it had been modified or created whichever you selected as your option.

    Hope this helps,


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