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How to merge cells?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

Is it rellay cannot merge cells in smart sheet???

Best Answer

  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓



    Yes this is true.  People tend to think of Smartsheet in the same way as Excel or Google sheets.  It is not a spreadsheet in that way.  Smartsheet is a Database Table with Project Management  and Spreadsheet functionallity.  Therefore A cell is a Field in that row in a databse table and that is why you cannot merge  or split cells.




  • JamesR
    JamesR ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓



    Yes this is true.  People tend to think of Smartsheet in the same way as Excel or Google sheets.  It is not a spreadsheet in that way.  Smartsheet is a Database Table with Project Management  and Spreadsheet functionallity.  Therefore A cell is a Field in that row in a databse table and that is why you cannot merge  or split cells.



  • Heidi Decker
    Heidi Decker ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    Are you trying to physically merge the cells to get a bigger cell, or are you trying to merge the data into one cell?

    You can merge data from several cells into one cell if that is what you're teying to do. You can do that by adding a column that you will put your formula into that will bring whatever cells (data) into that one cell. Here is my example.

    I have: Job Number, Assigned To, Assigned To 2. These are all different columns but I want to data from them all to show up on my calendar so I pull them all together into that new column using the follow formula.

    =[Job Number]178 + "," + "  " + [Assigned To]178 + "," + "  " + [Assign To 2]178

    J16125MAr1-1, Jake, Chris

    Maybe this will work for you if it's the data you're trying to merge.


  • LONG
    edited 09/13/16

    Hi HD,

    thanks for your reply.

    I just want to merge several cells together then i can get a bigger space to fill in a long title but still keep the cells below this row. Just like in the excel.

  • OK so we can't merge cells. I second LONG's comment. If we can't merge cells, then why can't the text overlay adjacent cells so a row title doesn't have to wrap?

  • Dennis Wierzbicki
    Dennis Wierzbicki ✭✭✭✭
    edited 02/03/17

    " then why can't the text overlay adjacent cells so a row title doesn't have to wrap?"


    Or alternately, why can't we insert a graphic of a column title that overlays several columns? 


    Add this to the ever-growing list of the most basic things Excel can do that SmartSheet can't. 


    And, BTW, I've grown a little weary of people on these boards explaining to me that I need to stop comparing SmartSheet to Excel. Trust me - this is EXACTLY what everybody is already doing, and I know for a fact this is the first thing my management crew tells me when I inform them that SmartSheet can't do these very simple things that Excel can do...then they probably hang up the phone and wonder "Why did we listen to this guy when he told us how great SmartSheet is, and that we need to move our collaborative spreadsheets from Excel on Sharepoint to SmartSheet, when SmartSheet seems to be WAY less powerful than Excel was 20 years ago?"

  • Recently I had to merge the address columns and went down a similar rabbit hole. 

    Below is the formula that gave me the merged address with commas and spaces to separate fields:


    =[Street Address]1 + "," + " " + [Street Address 2]1 + "," + " " + City1 + "," + " " + State1 + " " + [Zip Code]1


  • fgcook
    fgcook ✭✭

    Same thing I was looking for...

  • Michelle Vonderau
    edited 11/08/23

    Please submit your votes for merging cells here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/108132/merge-cell-functions

    The Smartsheet team is now using this form to navigate and plan feature requests. 

This discussion has been closed.